The Emotional Benefits of Homeownership

June 3, 2024

More Than a House: The Emotional Benefits of Homeownership

Let’s talk about the emotional benefits of homeownership.
Because buying a home is so much more than just a financial transaction.
It’s easy to focus on the dollars and cents, but I don’t want to forget to remind you about the priceless benefits of homeownership. Those intangibles can make all the difference! ❤️

With all the headlines and talk about housing affordability, it can be tempting to get lost in the financial side of buying a home. That’s only natural as you think about the dollars and cents of it all.

And while you ultimately need to be able to afford a home you buy, don’t lose sight of why homeownership was so important to you in the first place. That’s because buying a home is so much more than just a financial transaction. As the National Association of Realtors (NAR) says:

“The benefits of purchasing and owning your place of residence are both financial and emotional – pride in homeownership and the feeling of security are huge intangible benefits.”

Here’s a look at just a few of those more emotional or lifestyle perks, to help anchor you to why homeownership is one of your goals.

A Sense of Satisfaction

Owning a home is often associated with better mental health and well-being. That’s probably because buying a home is a big milestone. And the sense of satisfaction and pride that comes with achieving that goal just feels good. A recent article from the Mortgage Reports says:

“By and large, homeownership brings more satisfaction than renting. . . Surveyees scored the overall happiness level of homeowners at 88% compared to 67% for renters.”

More Stability for Your Family

Another thing that may make homeowners feel more satisfied is that they’re finally able to put down roots. Think about it. If you’re used to moving each time your lease renews and your rent climbs, staying put for a while would be nice not just for you, but for any loved ones that live with you.

A home can provide more predictability and the chance to make long-term friends. That should reduce everyone’s stress too. As NAR explains:

“Families also benefit from homeownership, with studies proving that parents are able to spend less time in a stressed state, therefore spending more time with their children. The ability for parents to feel stable has a huge impact on children’s behavioral issues, educational success, and future economic success.”

A Stronger Feeling of Community

And if you’re also looking for a sense of belonging for yourself, homeownership can help with that too. As FinHabits says:

“Homeowners tend to be more involved in their local communities, leading to a stronger sense of belonging . . .”

It makes sense. Your home connects you to your neighborhood and, by extension, your broader community. That’s because owning a home gives you a stake in that community’s future. So, becoming more involved and wanting to do what you can to help improve the area while making long-term relationships with neighbors is only natural.

The Ability To Make the Space Your Own

And don’t forget, your home is a place that’s all yours. Unless you’ve got specific homeowner’s association requirements, you’re free to customize it however you see fit.

So, if renting has been cramping your style, it’s time to express yourself and jump on the latest trends (if you want to). Whether that’s small home improvements or full-on renovations, your house can be exactly what you want and need it to be. And as your tastes and lifestyle change, so can your home. Picture coming home each day to a place that feels like you. That’s a feeling like no other.

Bottom Line

If you want to enjoy a sense of accomplishment and pride in where you’re living, let’s have a conversation to go over what you need to do now to make this future happen for you.

Michael Mahoney
MA. License #9051300
Real Broker LLC License #423031

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This is a head shot of Michael Mahoney who is a Boston Real Estate Agent with Real Broker - See more about Mike at If you need help with the web site, please reach out to Mike Mahoney via telephone at 617-615-9435 or via e-mail mike@mmahoney.comI am Michael Mahoney, a full time Realtor in Greater Boston focused on Norfolk & Suffolk Counties. I have been helping people fulfill the “American Dream” through home ownership, real estate wealth building, and real estate investment for over 2 decades.

My goal is to help people “go from the life they have to the life they dream about” using real estate as means to build wealth and financial security. If you want to make a change, I help people go from the “what if” to the “what is”.

I work in all price points. The majority of my business is repeat clients and the referral of clients from all over Eastern Massachusetts.

Quotes ImageI view my role as the advisor who helps people go from the life they have to the life they dream about. I help people go from the “what if” to the “what is”

I have sold everything from mobile homes to amazing estates. I have sold hundreds of homes, multi families and condos in almost every town in Suffolk and Norfolk County. I also sell homes in Plymouth, Bristol and Middlesex Counties. When asked what my specialty is, I often joke and say “from section eights to great estates”.

There is no property too small or too large in the residential space that I would shy away from.

All of my personal sales and marketing endeavors are supported by top-of-the-line personal market research completed carefully with expertise in order to create strategically targeted marketing collateral and campaigns for clients. I personally have a stand by commitment of 7-days a week for my clients. I aim to cultivate my own reputation for qualityprofessionalism and your results.

From selling hundreds of homes in Greater Boston comes experience and situational awareness that can only be developed over time which is a tremendous value to clients.